Strategy |
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Helping keen young people overcome disadvantage or serious obstacles to reach their goals
Objective 11 |
Support research which identifies appropriate ways of removing obstacles to the progress of young people in education, employment and recreation. |
Objective 12 |
Support initiatives which increase significantly the number of skilled young people available to employers and tertiary educational institutions. |
Objective 13 |
Facilitate opportunities for talented young people to access secondary and tertiary education, which they might otherwise not be able to attend. |
Objective 14 |
Facilitate the guidance of students into the most appropriate employment and / or tertiary education. |
Objective 15 |
Help provide young people experiencing career blocks with motivational experiences, opportunities to gain general life skills, personal development, job search skills and links into employment, education and training. |
Objective 16 |
Support the ongoing development of various forms of dialogue among young people, prospective employers and educators. |
Strategy |
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Rewarding young people who strive for personal excellence in education, employment or recreation
Objective 17 |
Help mobilize all available resources to be used to maximize benefits to young people and through them – the whole country. |
Objective 18 |
Support initiatives that encourage excellence in areas such as:
- youth development;
- arts, spirituality and national culture;
- professions, trades, primary industry and business;
- sport and recreation;
- education and training.
Objective 19 |
Assist employers and tertiary institutions to recruit an adequate volume of applicants who are sufficiently skilled and prepared. |
Objective 20 |
Involve young people in appropriate aspects of planning and awarding scholarships, grants and other forms of assistance. |
Objective 21 |
Recognize in appropriate ways, young people who have made significant achievements in their field of study, employment, or other pursuit of excellence. |
Strategy |
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Recognizing among young people leadership and commitment to helping the United States of America succeed as a prosperous nation
Objective 22 |
Support initiatives, especially in civic literacy which encourage participation of young people in the workings of their society as well as international relationships. |
Objective 23 |
Support initiatives promoting the development of a national culture which values ideals of leadership, commitment, social justice, responsibility and mutual obligation. |
Objective 24 |
Help provide opportunities for emerging young leaders to look beyond themselves and focus their attention, skills and energy on the consideration of some core issues that face the nation. |
Objective 25 |
Assist selected young people to participate in significant events within their own country as well as overseas. |